
Tartumaa Prevention Network is composed of the mayors of Tartumaa municipalities, representatives of educational establishments, editors of the newsletters of local rural municipalities, social workers, general practitioners, youth workers, leaders of extracurricular activities, librarians, teachers of personal and social education, health team leaders from health promoting schools and kindergartens, health team leaders from local municipalities, representatives of the county youth council and municipal youth workers. In addition, it involves representatives of various NGOs and local communities.

Efficient cooperation has been established with prevention specialists from various public authorities. These specialists have gone a long way to facilitate the mainstreaming of health promotion issues and the implementation of safety-enhancing preventive actions in the county. There is also good cooperation among neighbouring counties. In 2009, cooperation was started between the health teams of 6 counties of Southern Estonia (Jõgevamaa, Põlvamaa, Tartumaa, Võrumaa, Valgamaa and Viljandimaa).