Social hackathon of Tartu County

The social hackathon of Tartu Cunty follows the example of Vunki mano! pilot project which was carried out in the County of Võrumaa. It is based on the method of social hackathon which is an intense weekend where everyone is welcome to participate in developing innovative services and working on solutions that promote life in the county.

The concept is based on the understanding that anyone can generate a new and useful idea which can jointly be put into practice. Engaging all potential stakeholders, including the target group, in problem solving will increase the potential of finding workable solutions.  

The co-creation hackathon brings together the experience of citizens, the realism of entrepreneurs, the competence of experts and the responsibility of officials. With every idea, we pay special attention to the interests of people whose voices are not heard in everyday life, such as people with special needs, minorities, and so on.  

If we say that the invitation is open to everyone then this is not an empty phrase: we all have skills, knowledge or connections which may prove to be valuable for somebody else. Everybody´s contribution is invaluable and sustainable solutions can only be found if we stick together.

Look at the pictures here.

Kaidi Randpõld

Photos: Timo Arbeiter