Tartu County Development Strategy 2040


With more than 155,000 residents, Tartu County is the second largest county in Estonia, and the city of Tartu is the centre of attraction for all of Southern Estonia. Top-level educational institutions, a green and safe living environment, world-class cultural life, active communities, and diverse entrepreneurship have made the region attractive both in Estonia and internationally.
This is also reflected in the number of residents, which, unlike in many regions of Estonia, is gradually increasing. However, in order to realise the potential of the county more effectively, clear future goals with an agreed and jointly implemented action plan are necessary.

The basic principles of the Tartu County development strategy are co-creation and innovation, a sustainable way of thinking, valuing traditions, and urban and rural cohesion. The aim of the development of the county is to increase the well-being of the residents of Tartu County and to provide an excellent living and business environment for both current and new residents.

The development strategy is an agreement of the eight local governments of the county and partner organisations drawn up under the coordination of the Association of Municipalities of Tartu County. The cooperation strategy does not reflect the activities of individual local governments and organisations, but activities and joint initiatives with a wider impact. In addition, the development strategy does not contain detailed development plans of large state bodies (including universities), although they contribute significantly to the development and competitiveness of the county.
An important difference compared to the previous development strategy is its applicability – only those activities for which a responsible party has been appointed are reflected under measures and areas of action. As a result, the strategy is not a collection of all the ideas proposed within the process, but a selection of the most important activities that can be realistically implemented.

The link to the Development Strategy document is here.