Partner in the Interreg Europe Programme project "Coop4RURALGov. Rural Proofing. Cooperation for better sparsely populated rural, coastal and mountain focused governance"

Rural Proofing, Cooperation for better governance with a rural approach, will foster inter-regional cooperation and exchange between 7 public and private organisations from Spain, Estonia, Ireland and Bulgaria to improve their governance' capacities for co-design and to make the regional impact assessment, Rural Proofing, a routine part of the decision-making process of officials and policies, programmes and initiatives approved by legislative bodies in sparsely populated rural, coastal and mountain areas.

The project will contribute to reducing regional inequalities in each country and guaranteeing the rights of citizens living in rural areas, thus contributing to redressing economic, social, security and territorial disparities.

Implementation period: March 2023 - May 2027

Project budget:  1,543,273 euros

Lead Partner: Dirección General de Administracion Local y Despoblación del Gobierno de Navarra

Partners: Cives Mundi (Spain), Association "Centre for Sustainability and Economic Growth" (Bulgaria), Municipality of Bratsigovo (Bulgaria), Ministry of Rural Affairs of Estonia (Estonia), Association of Municipalities of Tartu County (Estonia), Galway County Council (Ireland).

Contact: Communications Manager Kristi Jõesaar, phone +372 5196 8458, e-mail