Tirin – Tartumaa's series of food events, invites you to participate for two years in a row

The wide-ranging food events series Tirin (tureen) kicked off in July 2023 and will run until December 2024, unfolding as dozens of separate events across the county. The series involves various parties and introduces the best practices in Tartumaa's food sector. There are activities for children, the elderly, families and professionals, as there are events catering for every taste: there are training sessions as well as cafe days, fairs and tasting tours, etc.

We are continuously updating the programme schedule, including links to additional information.

See the events on the map.

Entrance fee / Registration
23rd of JuneCake Auction Luunja Song Festival Ground, Luunja parish Free  
Every year, Luunja Country Women's Society holds a cake auction at Luunja Midsummer Celebration. The proceeds of the auction go to charity.    
11th of AugustThe Delicious Food Route From Suurekivi to Roiu, Kastre parishFree
Drive about 15 minutes from Tartu and you're there. Embark on the almost 8 km long food tasting journey in Kastre municipality from Suurekivi crossroads to Sillaotsa school or vice versa.

The gates and in some places the doors of the homes open to the home cafes that offer delicious local flavours. There is a selection of both savoury and sweet, as well as soft and crispy delicacies.

In some places, you can listen to the music while enjoying your meals, in other places you can chat with the hosts or your children can have fun on the playground. Come and find out what is on offer in home cafes and bring your friends along as well!      
7th of September
The Onion Route Buffet Day Peipsiääre parish Free
There are open gardens and courtyards, local food prepared with love and care, enjoyable meetings and a cultural programme.

In mid-September, locals open the doors to their lovely homes and offer the food using best recipes handed down from generation to generation. It is a day full of joy, good local food and meet-ups with old friends and interesting local people.

Locals open their yards and gardens, they cook and bake, clean and build. Welcoming buffets open their doors from Varnja to Ranna and from Haavakivi village to Nina village. Buffets are open from 11-18, almost all buffets have activities for children and besides tasty flavours, there are things on offer for other senses (exhibitions, performances) as well.    
14th of September Ülenurme Autumn Fair and Livestock Exhibition Tõuloom  Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish  
On the first Saturday of September, the Ülenurme Autumn Fair and the Livestock Exhibition Tõuloom will take place at the Estonian Agricultural Museum featuring the magnificent livestock! You can see various farm animals in the arena, including cattle, horses, sheep, rabbits and quail. The demonstrations of sheep shearing and hand milking will be organised. There is a traditional autumn fair, selling farm food, handicrafts, seedlings and other exciting things. Food lovers can participate in workshops, children can have fun in the children's area and families can enjoy musical performances from various groups.    
14th of September
Kavastu Ukha and Fish Festival Kavastu, Luunja parish  
The Kavastu Uhka and Fish Festival starts with the fish soup cooking competition in the Kavastu manor park. Teams are judged by a professional jury – on serving, appearance and taste among other things. Pre-registered teams of three can participate and the competition is time-limited. The organisers give the competitors a packet of fish and firewood necessary for making a fire.
In addition to the fish soup competition, there will be several fishing-themed and aquatic life-introducing workshops for all age groups. Musicians set the mood and get the party going. The unique Kavastu raft is open.    
21st of September
Dinner in the Castle - Food Culture on the Onion Route Alatskivi Castle, Peipsiääre parish  
There are five high-quality drinking training dinners, where we introduce the participants to local flavours, both food and wine. As each dinner is new and different, attendees are offered a unique experience every time. The acquired knowledge helps the participants to develop their palates and apply what they learned in their work, for example when developing the menus of their catering company.
30th of September - 5th of OctoberOpen dining halls in Elva municipality Elva town and whole Elva parish 3.- at the spot 
For a week, anyone interested can visit the Elva municipality dining halls, where they are offered a school lunch. It brings people closer to school lunches and dispels myths from the old days that said school food was bad. The week of open dining halls culminates with a family day, which brings together local farmers and entrepreneurs who offer their produce to both private individuals and caterers. You can find food-themed activities for both children as well as grown-ups – from workshops to theatre.      
Sept-Nov 2024 Cookery School  Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish Only in Estonian
The Cookery School series of the Agricultural Museum is a good opportunity to test delicious recipes, share tips and enjoy great food experiences in good company. Cooking enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. At every meeting, we delve into a new and exciting topic. Take a look at photos and video.
Sept-Nov 2024 Let's meet at the bakeryEstonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish Only in Estonian
The Agricultural Museum's midweek meet-up "Let's meet at the bakery" is a great opportunity to spend the morning in a jovial company. Together we prepare delicious food and share tips on how to cook in a fun and affordable way. We enjoy the food we prepared and share our thoughts at the common table. After cooking, we will do some crafting. Each gathering has a separate theme for both food and crafts. The workshop is primarily intended for the elderly who miss socialising and doing fun activities together.    
5th of October 2024 Nature Barge Cranberry Trip Emajõe suursoo, Kantsi - Praaga - Kantsi, Luunja parish  
We will start and finish the cranberry trip at the RMK Kantsi campfire site. We will sail downstream along the primeval Emajõgi River going through Suursoo, take a peek into Lake Peipsi and then continue to the unique Praaga village on the mainland, accessible only by water, to pick cranberries, the vitamins for the winter. There is a nature guide on board who will tell you about the ship and the shoreline. We offer tea and coffee on the barge and you can bring your own picnic food. Be sure to bring a basket for berries and wear tall wellies!    
November 2024
Flavours of the Onion Route. From Old Believers’ tea to craft wines
Bus trip from Tartu to Peipsiääre parish 80,- 
Together with the guide, you will visit five local service providers in one day. In addition to the three local cultures (Russian Old Believers, Estonian peasant culture and Baltic German manor culture), each place offers characteristic food and/or drink and the hosts talk about the local food culture. Guiding is offered according to need and possibility in English or Estonian, service providers speak mostly in English.

Past events on 2024
TimeEvent Place
Entrance fee / Registration
16.01.2024 Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish
Only in Estonian
The Agricultural Museum's midweek meet-up "Let's meet at the bakery" is a great opportunity to spend the morning in a jovial company. Together we prepare delicious food and share tips on how to cook in a fun and affordable way. We enjoy the food we prepared and share our thoughts at the common table. After cooking, we will do some crafting. Each gathering has a separate theme for both food and crafts. The workshop is primarily intended for the elderly who miss socialising and doing fun activities together.    
25.01.2024Cookery School - lentils and pastry Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish  Only in Estonian 
The Cookery School series of the Agricultural Museum is a good opportunity to test delicious recipes, share tips and enjoy great food experiences in good company. Cooking enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. At every meeting, we delve into a new and exciting topic. Take a look at photos and video.    
8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th of February Training: Special catering and special food on the menu Tartu Vocational College, Kopli 1, Tartu   Only in Estonian, 200.-  
Modern dietary recommendations and their implementation require caterers to know how to prepare healthy and balanced meals and be able to cater for special dietary needs.      
12th - 16th of February

Lotte invites you to dinner   Tartu Kindergarten Lotte, Ida 8, Tartu     Breakfast 2€
Lunch 3€
Snack 2€  
Come and eat delicious food in Tartu Kindergarten Lotte! During one week, Tartu Kindergarten Lotte and Baltic Restaurants AS invite everyone to eat at the kindergarten. You will have an opportunity to partake in Lotte Kindergarten's breakfast, lunch and dinner menu. Take a look at photos and video.    
13th of February
Let's meet at the bakery - pancakes Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish Only in Estonian, 10.-  
The Agricultural Museum's midweek meet-up "Let's meet at the bakery" is a great opportunity to spend the morning in a jovial company. Together we prepare delicious food and share tips on how to cook in a fun and affordable way. We enjoy the food we prepared and share our thoughts at the common table. After cooking, we will do some crafting. Each gathering has a separate theme for both food and crafts. The workshop is primarily intended for the elderly who miss socialising and doing fun activities together.            
19th - 23rd of February
market 7:30-16:00
workshops 12:00-14:00
dinner 19:30-00
Flavours of Tartu County in the Market Hall   Tartu Market Hall, Vabaduse pst 1, Tartu  Workshops only in Estonian 40.-
19.02, 20.02, 21.02, 22.02, 23.02
Dinner 69.-
Just before the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, you can explore both new and long-beloved flavours of Tartu County in the Tartu Market Hall. Traders present their products, you can taste their special offers and have a chat. There are ready meals as well as exciting ingredients you can use to cook for yourself! Workshops are held every day, where you can get tips and tutorials on how to set a delicious and healthy party table. On Friday evening, the market hall turns into a cosy restaurant, where a festive five-course dinner made from local produce is offered accompanied by local Tartu County drinks. You can see a show by top chefs and listen to musicians from Tartu County.  Take a look at photos and video.      
22nd of February Cookery School - barley   Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish     Only in Estonian, 20.-  
The Cookery School series of the Agricultural Museum is a good opportunity to test delicious recipes, share tips and enjoy great food experiences in good company. Cooking enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. At every meeting, we delve into a new and exciting topic. Take a look at photos and video.            
  23rd of February Dinner in the Castle - Food Culture on the Onion Route  Alatskivi Castle, Peipsiääre parish 85.-
Register: alatskivi@lossirestoran.eu    
 There are five high-quality drinking training dinners, where we introduce the participants to local flavours, both food and wine. As each dinner is new and different, attendees are offered a unique experience every time. The acquired knowledge helps the participants to develop their palates and apply what they learned in their work, for example when developing the menus of their catering company. Take a look at the video from previous dinner!      
12th of March
Let's meet at the bakery - curd Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish Only in Estonian, 10.-  
The Agricultural Museum's midweek meet-up "Let's meet at the bakery" is a great opportunity to spend the morning in a jovial company. Together we prepare delicious food and share tips on how to cook in a fun and affordable way. We enjoy the food we prepared and share our thoughts at the common table. After cooking, we will do some crafting. Each gathering has a separate theme for both food and crafts. The workshop is primarily intended for the elderly who miss socialising and doing fun activities together.      
17th of March Flavours of the Onion Route. From Old Believers’ tea to craft wines    Bus trip from Tartu to Peipsiääre parish 80,-
Together with the guide, you will visit five local service providers in one day. In addition to the three local cultures (Russian Old Believers, Estonian peasant culture and Baltic German manor culture), each place offers characteristic food and/or drink and the hosts talk about the local food culture. Guiding is offered according to need and possibility in English or Estonian, service providers speak mostly in English          
21st of March Cookery School - beetroot   Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish  Only in Estonian  
The Cookery School series of the Agricultural Museum is a good opportunity to test delicious recipes, share tips and enjoy great food experiences in good company. Cooking enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. At every meeting, we delve into a new and exciting topic. Take a look at photos and video.            
  6th of April Dinner in the Castle - Food Culture on the Onion Route Alatskivi Castle, Peipsiääre parish  95.-
There are five high-quality drinking training dinners, where we introduce the participants to local flavours, both food and wine. As each dinner is new and different, attendees are offered a unique experience every time. The acquired knowledge helps the participants to develop their palates and apply what they learned in their work, for example when developing the menus of their catering company.      
  11th of April Herr Rhubarb invites you to the permaculture garden  Tartu Kindergarten Lotte, Ida 8, TartuFree
Come and see Tartu Lotte Kindergarten and learn about permaculture! In the Tartu Lotte Kindergarten, both children and food plants enjoy growing. Each kindergarten group has its own permaculture bed, waiting for enthusiasts to visit and learn about permaculture and do spring maintenance work. The children's favourite Herr Rhubarb steps out of the bed, under his guidance, we plant food plants and learn how nature provides them with the strength to grow.
 16th of April Let's meet at the bakery  Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish   Only in Estonian, 10.-
The Agricultural Museum's midweek meet-up "Let's meet at the bakery" is a great opportunity to spend the morning in a jovial company. Together we prepare delicious food and share tips on how to cook in a fun and affordable way. We enjoy the food we prepared and share our thoughts at the common table. After cooking, we will do some crafting. Each gathering has a separate theme for both food and crafts. The workshop is primarily intended for the elderly who miss socialising and doing fun activities together.
15th - 28th of April   Elva Week of Flavours Elva town, Puhja, all over Elva parish  
Restaurants and cafes all over Elva municipality invite you to pay them a visit. As part of the Elva Week of Flavours, eateries offer special menus and other exciting special offers created especially for the event week.

The main goal of the Elva Week of Flavours is to invite people to visit the municipality of Elva in the low tourist season. Several new eateries have recently opened their doors, so there is plenty to discover for both locals and guests from further afield. Take a look at photos and video!

11th of May The Onion Route FISH Buffet Day  Peipsiääre parish   
If the local Peipsi onion takes place of pride on the autumn buffet day, in the spring, fishing on the shores of the lake Peipsi is in full swing. That is why local residents open buffets in their homes, where at least one main dish is made of fish from Peipsi. On the same day, the Varnja Fish Fair will take place and Kolkja and Varnja harbours will be open as part of the Open Fishing Harbours Day. Buffets are open from 11-17. On the same day, various other activities take place in local tourist sites and businesses – concerts, workshops, exhibitions, etc.

Cash would come handy as in some places you can only pay in cash. You can bring your own food utensils (a cup for water and a fork and spoon) – this way you save the environment. Take a look at photos and video and  video from last year!       

14th of May  Let's meet at the bakery - meatballs and rum cake  Estonian Agricultural Museum, Ülenurme, Kambja parish  Only in Estonian, 10.-  
The Agricultural Museum's midweek meet-up "Let's meet at the bakery" is a great opportunity to spend the morning in a jovial company. Together we prepare delicious food and share tips on how to cook in a fun and affordable way. We enjoy the food we prepared and share our thoughts at the common table. After cooking, we will do some crafting. Each gathering has a separate theme for both food and crafts. The workshop is primarily intended for the elderly who miss socialising and doing fun activities together.      
 16th of MaySpring Fair: from the pot to the stomach and jars Tartu Pääsupesa Kindergarten,
Sõpruse pst. 12, Tartu  
The Spring Fair in the magical world of the Pääsupesa promotes a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle. There were activities for everyone: you could have fun, make crafts, play music, play sports, enjoy a concert, buy lottery tickets, visit cafes and sales stalls. We offered hot soup we prepared together, which you could consume immediately or take away in a jar. Let's save nature together and reuse! Pääsupesa residents care and donated 50% of the profit from the fair to the charity organisation Minu Unistuste Päev. The rest of the profit will go to our children – we wish to purchase our own firepit, greenhouse or kitchenette. Take a look at photos  
 19th of MayThe opening event of Luke Manor with a cafe day   Luke Manor, Nõo parish Free 
The summer season of Luke Manor opened with a cafe day on a wonderful Sunday in May. The lottery, musical interludes and various activities for both children and nature lovers brought variety to the day. In the manor park, different and original cafes of the local area were open, where you could taste delicacies prepared with care and love using the recipes of the local women.  Take a look at photos        

Past events on 2023

22.07.2023 Äksi [Pre]opinion Festival FOOD and ENVIRONMENT, take a look at photos and video
The [Pre]opinion Festival is the "little brother" of the Paide Opinion Festival. The festival featured the discussions on topics of growing, eating, storing and packaging sustainable and environmentally friendly food, including workshops and the presentation of the Äksi recipe book.

13.08.2023 The Delicious Food Route, take a look at photos and video

About 15 minutes from Tartu you could visit almost 8 km long food tasting journey in Kastre municipality from Suurekivi crossroads to Sillaotsa school or vice versa. The gates and in some places the doors of the homes opened to the home cafes that offer delicious local flavours. There was a selection of both savoury and sweet, as well as soft and crispy delicacies.

02.09.2023 Ülenurme Autumn Fair and Livestock Exhibition Tõuloom, take a look at photos and video
On the first Saturday of September, the Ülenurme Autumn Fair and the Livestock Exhibition Tõuloom took place at the Estonian Agricultural Museum featuring the magnificent livestock! You could see various farm animals in the arena, including cattle, horses, sheep, rabbits and quail. The demonstrations of sheep shearing and hand milking was organised. There was a traditional autumn fair, selling farm food, handicrafts, seedlings and other exciting things. Food lovers could participate in workshops, children could have fun in the children's area and families could enjoy musical performances from various groups.

09.09.2023  Kavastu Ukha and Fish Festival, take a look at photos and video

The Kavastu Uhka and Fish Festival started with the fish soup cooking competition in the Kavastu manor park. Teams were judged by a professional jury – on serving, appearance and taste among other things. The organisers gave the competitors a packet of fish and firewood necessary for making a fire. In addition to the fish soup competition, there were several fishing-themed and aquatic life-introducing workshops for all age groups. Musicians set the mood and got the party going. The unique Kavastu raft was also open.

26.09.2023 Let's meet at the bakery
The Agricultural Museum's midweek meet-up "Let's meet at the bakery" is a great opportunity to spend the morning in a jovial company. Together we prepare delicious food and share tips on how to cook in a fun and affordable way. We enjoy the food we prepared and share our thoughts at the common table. After cooking, we will do some crafting. Each gathering has a separate theme for both food and crafts. The workshop is primarily intended for the elderly who miss socialising and doing fun activities together.

27. & 28.09.2023 Cooking workshops: How to prepare more planet-friendly food

Every step we take is important in moving towards more conscious, healthier and economical consumption, in order to reduce food waste! In a fun and practical workshop, we explored what we can do practically and change consciously.

07.10.2023 Nature Barge Cranberry Trip
Start and finish of the cranberry trip was at the RMK Kantsi campfire site. We sailed downstream along the primeval Emajõgi River going through Suursoo, took a peek into Lake Peipsi and then continued to the unique Praaga village on the mainland, accessible only by water, to pick cranberries, the vitamins for the winter. There was a nature guide on board who talked about the ship and the shoreline.

10.10.2023 South Estonia Food Conference "From Farm to School" 
The conference focused on how to get the production of local small producers, organic and local food to our educational institutions. In addition raised awareness – especially among the employees of educational institutions and policy makers. Take a look at photos.

14.10.2023 The Cookery School series of the Agricultural Museum is a good opportunity to test delicious recipes, share tips and enjoy great food experiences in good company. Cooking enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. At every meeting, we delve into a new and exciting topic. Take a look at photos and video.

26.10.2023   Dinner in the Castle - Food Culture on the Onion Route There are five high-quality drinking training dinners, where we introduce the participants to local flavours, both food and wine. As each dinner is new and different, attendees are offered a unique experience every time. The acquired knowledge helps the participants to develop their palates and apply what they learned in their work, for example when developing the menus of their catering company. Take a look at the video

31.10.2023  Let's meet at the bakery The Agricultural Museum's midweek meet-up "Let's meet at the bakery" is a great opportunity to spend the morning in a jovial company. Together we prepare delicious food and share tips on how to cook in a fun and affordable way. We enjoy the food we prepared and share our thoughts at the common table. After cooking, we will do some crafting. Each gathering has a separate theme for both food and crafts. The workshop is primarily intended for the elderly who miss socialising and doing fun activities together.

01.11.2023 Meelte Kool (Sensory Food Education) classes in Tartu Kindergarten Lotte makes even the pickiest children love broccoli and carrots as early as in kindergarten. This means that children are not only introduced to healthy food, but they are allowed to play with it and get to know it in a childlike way – to discover food with all their senses. Take a look at the video!

11.11.2023 The Cookery School series of the Agricultural Museum is a good opportunity to test delicious recipes, share tips and enjoy great food experiences in good company. Cooking enthusiasts of all ages are welcome. At every meeting, we delve into a new and exciting topic.

14.11.2023  Let's meet at the bakery The Agricultural Museum's midweek meet-up "Let's meet at the bakery" is a great opportunity to spend the morning in a jovial company. Together we prepare delicious food and share tips on how to cook in a fun and affordable way. We enjoy the food we prepared and share our thoughts at the common table. After cooking, we will do some crafting. Each gathering has a separate theme for both food and crafts. The workshop is primarily intended for the elderly who miss socialising and doing fun activities together.

14.11.2023 Hybake is a hybrid learning course taking place online where we introduce baked goodies from Estonian traditional holidays as well as from other European countries. In the course, you can learn to make 18 different holiday bakes by yourself. It is a free public online course that was created in cooperation between Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Slovenia within the framework of the Erasmus + project.

15.11.2023 Meelte Kool (Sensory Food Education) classes in Tartu Kindergarten Lotte makes even the pickiest children love broccoli and carrots as early as in kindergarten. This means that children are not only introduced to healthy food, but they are allowed to play with it and get to know it in a childlike way – to discover food with all their senses. Take a look at the photos!
Find more information from the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 Southern Estonia community programme.

Love's a cooking in Tartumaa!

Additional information:
Katri Kuusk
Coordinator of Tartu County Food Network
Tartumaa Arendusselts
+372 5358 4035